Benefits of Self-publishing

Posted by Sherrie Wilkolaski
Published On Sep 27, 2014

Benefits of Self-publishing

By Sherrie Wilkolaski  

Zsuzsanna KilianThroughout my career, I’ve had the good fortune of working with so many talented authors.  Some self-published and others traditionally published. There are some authors who are dead-set on getting a publisher to pick them up and refuse to consider self-publishing, while others just want to jump in with both feet and go the independent publishing route.  There is no wrong or right answer.  It really depends on the author and what they want to get out of publishing their work.  

If you’re on the fence and not sure if self-publishing is right for you, let’s look at some of the benefits you’ll have as an independent publisher.  

  1. Author has control.  As an artist it is nice to have control over your own work.  You’ll oversee everything from selecting your self-publishing partner, like Infinity Publishing for example, to approving your cover art and setting the course for where you want to go.  No waiting on a publisher to get your book to market, you’ll work at your own pace.

  2. Get what you want out of publishing.  Are you publishing to get your work out to the world, or are you using your book as a tool to better your career and take you to the next level?  As an independent publisher, you dictate what you want to get out of publishing your title.  Some authors are happy just having their book published and available for purchase on Amazon. Others want to go all the way…NY Times Bestsellers list.  Whichever road you go down, it’s up to you.  You don’t have the constraints of a traditional publisher, managing your work and what you do with it.

  3. Find the right publishing vehicle for your title.  As an author looking to self-publish, there are a lot of choices out there.  You need to find the right option for you.  Ask yourself these questions when looking for a self-publishing company:

    1. Will you be able to work along with a publishing professional, being able to talk with them on the phone…not just email? Being able to talk with a publishing professional, one on one is very important for any author looking to self-publish.  Email is a great tool, but having a personal touch makes all the difference during the publishing process.  At Infinity Publishing, our Author Advocates are available by phone and at a time that is convenient for your schedule.

    2. Do they offer distribution options for all mediums (i.e. print, eBooks and audio)? An author cannot sell a book without distribution, no matter what format their book is in.  Infinity Publishing offers the most extensive distribution options available to independent publishers for print, eBooks and audio and is always growing with the changes in the market.  We’ll handle it all.

    3. Are marketing and PR services and support available?  Very important question, as every author needs these resources to be successful.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, use book marketing professionals who specialize in publishing. At Infinity Publishing, not only do we do our own marketing and branding to help our authors sell more books, we work one on one with each author to find the right marketing options for their title.     

    4. Do they publish just any title?  It is nice to know you can get your book published, but as a self-publishing author you want to know that the company you decide to go with is somewhat selective with the types of books they are publishing.  You want your book to be surrounded by authors of a certain caliber as it will make your work even more valuable.  Infinity Publishing works with some of the best authors out there.  You’re not just another number.  Your work means something.

    5. You own it.  The book success or failure is all yours.  You’re in control and if you’ve got the right fit with your self-publishing company, you’ll be one step ahead of the competition. 

    6. More royalties on sales.  It is true, there are start-up costs to publish your title, but in the long-run you’ll reap the rewards.  Larger royalties on your sales when you self-publish, than if you are traditionally published.  Authors who traditionally publish make pennies on the sale of each book vs. when they self-publish.  The numbers just don’t compare.  Yes, you’re still investing financially on the front end, covering your own costs for editing, cover design, etc. however you’ll be reaping the rewards for life.  Going the traditional route, you’ll make less overall per book even if you get an advance.  There are always exceptions of course.  Ask one of Infinity Publishing’s Author Advocates about the potential royalties for your book.

    7. Getting to market sooner rather than later.  First let me say, that self-publishing authors still need to publish their book properly, having it professionally edited, professional cover design, marketing and all of that.  This will take time from the point in which the manuscript is ready, 3-6 months to do it properly.  If your book is picked up by a traditional publisher it could take 12-24 months before it goes to market.  Timing is something to think about.

No matter what direction you decide to go, make sure the self-publishing company you partner with is right for you, and that they have the potential to grow with you.  Most authors don’t stop at just one book.  To schedule your free consutlation with an Infinity Publishing Author Advocate, click the button below. Publishing!

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Image courtesy of Zsuzsanna Kilian.

Topics: infinity publishing, book marketing, self publishing, self publishing companies, independent publishing, ebooks, ePub conversion

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